As spring approached and the ice and snow melted, we found a couple of new faces lurking around our little pond. A random truck would arrive and two men would trek to the pond, nets and buckets in hand. We found out that we were letting them go "fishing" for frogs - they got to keep the big ones to sell (under the table, of course), and gave us a couple of bags-full of the little guys for our own munching.
The first step was letting them rinse thoroughly. As you can see here, the frog-poachers just gave us the frogs from the waist-down.

We spread out the legs on a tray and lightly coated them with flour, salt, & pepper.

Next, a quick fry in some oil (I think vegetable oil was what we had on hand):
And voila! Top with a little freshly-squeezed lemon juicy and you've got yourself some tasty little crunchy finger foods. It proved to be a lot of hard work to pick off such a small amount of meat, but it's not every day that you get to eat fresh frogs' legs for lunch!
Around that same time, we slaughtered a couple more pigs to sell. Owen decided to give a try making head cheese out of the leftover head. Some people may think this post is gross, but we think it's downright delicious. Head cheese is simply a terrine or mold made out of the meat from the pig's head, picked off, set with gelatin.
Perfectly planned prep: leeks, carrots, garlic, onions, bay leaf & peppercorns:
The head! Gross. Not really. Well, kind of. Split in half, along with the feet, and cooked in water until tender.
Looks like a Top Chef Relay:
Skimming the Skum:

Here is the head, fully cooked. Can you find the teeth? Yum! We decided to leave the teeth out of the head cheese.

Owen picks off the meat:

Cutting up all the meat - the tougher pieces get more finely chopped, and the larger pieces are the tender ones.

Reducing the water that we cooked the head in forms a natural gelatin. We mixed together this liquid with all of the above ingredients and separated into these bowls - made a lot of head cheese! Traditionally, you would use a terrine mold, but we didn't have one, so this worked well. Put in the fridge to set!

The finished product (flipped upside down out of the bowl). Spread on some bread with a little whole grain mustard and you're in pig heaven!