Sorry for the lack of posts lately, we've just been chugging along with farm life! But now, Christmas season is upon us and we are going to be posting quite a lot to get you all caught up.

First up, a few pictures from the neighbor's house. They recently cleaned up their cave of a basement - 3 rooms total. Now, don't be hasty and imagine a newly remodeled, new floors, new furniture kind of man cave. They literally only cleaned up - i.e. removed large pieces of debris and cobwebs. They then purchased a lot of old brick-a-brack and twinkly lights to toss around the room. The result? A very hip and cool "speakeasy"-type basement, where they invited us (and a few dozen other) friends over one night for drinks, desserts, and live jazz. The man of the house is a keyboard player and has his own jazz group, so they performed for us down in the basement! It was a fun night, much more laid back than polka-fest.

I apologize for the poor quality - I photo-shopped as much as I could. But, being in a cave and having a digital camera from approximately 8 years ago, I was slightly limited. Here, G waxes philosophical on some important topic like munster.

O steps up to the bar and instantly makes a new friend. While most of the younger guys were very shy to speak English to us, this dude was chatting it up like it was his job. Thanks, dude!

Click below for a little video!
Now, a few pictures from our trip to Colmar for the Christmas Markets...

We definitely chose a cold day to be walking around for hours on end, but thankfully the sun made a few appearances, the people were a-plenty, and they serve a lovely thing known as VIN CHAUD (hot mulled wine) on every street corner.

A little live entertainment, I do believe here they are playing "Chatanooga Choo Choo" and I am not even kidding.

The look on the man's face to the right leads me to believe that he is enjoying interrupting this picture. Oh well, look at the pretty tree behind me! And I am kind of smiling, even!

Speaking of Chatanooga Choo Choos... (chooes? choose?)... here's one now! The obligatory tourist train, which we definitely did not ride. Sure is cute, though.

Colmar's little neighborhood known as Petite Venise... for obvious reasons.

There's my tall drink of water.

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!
(stay tuned - next up will be a juicy cochon post - from slaughtering the animal all the way to making boudin noir... )